Wednesday, 3 November 2021

I Have Come Into Politics Because I Believe I Can Add Value – AA Zaura


Since my childhood growing through Adulthood, a lot of questions exist in my mind; why do ordinary children like me have to suffer before getting educated? Why does an ordinary Bakano child like me have to walk distance before having access to Medical facility and Medicare? Why do people who live in communities like mine – Zaura have to plead before getting access Road, Electricity among many other Social Amenities? These and many mind bugging questions exist in minds of every reasonable Bakano and this is vis a vis the numerous resource Allah has blessed us with.

It’s in response to the above plethora of questions, I have had since began the little I could, to support indigent poor Children from my Locality, this initiative has further developed to be established as a formal organization; with Corporate governance structure -the AA Zaura Foundation. Through the Foundation a lot was achieved, but not to my macro satisfaction.

In an attempt to provide a statewide response to the above Highlighted questions Comes my venturing into Politics in 2019, it is my firm believe that controlling state institutions could had given me greater chances of expand those good works I was doing in an attempt to excellently answer those questions. Nonetheless, even without clinching the ticket, I had increased investments through the Foundation in Multi Billion Naira to cater for Indigent Poor; Education, Health, Housing, Electrification and a number of Social Development Initiatives.

As I kept on saying, I have come into politics because I believe I can add value, I have come into Politics because if our likes leaves it, we are only creating a vacuum that eventually have to be filled by people of no or less ideas. Therefore, Politics cannot change me, but I will change the Politics.

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