Sunday, 31 July 2016

Bank Of England Governor Under Mandate To Enforce United Kingdom Banks Release Commonwealth Citizens Money Seized By Covert Operations - British Demagogue Professor Alexia Thomas Is On The Chase And Justice Pursuit

Mark Carney, The Bank of England Governor

The Demagogue Professor Alexia Thomas Voice continues her Loudness wakening up the Values and Virtues of the People of Commonwealth, with her Amass Wealth of Knowledge, she confirmed that the British Conservative Ruling Government never gave the People of Commonwealth Independent rather they gave them Sovereignty.

Professor Thomas heroes her Authority in submission, that her Party The Commonwealth Liberation Party gave the People of Commonwealth Nations Freedom by Unlocking the Code of Knowledge.                                                                                                                 

She enshrined her Justice Pursuit as an Oracle, affirmed she is a British Ancient Spirit of Queen Elizabeth I Reincarnation from the 15th Century disguised in the Body of a Black woman. She declared her Silence will bring Jeopardy, as she will no longer be quite to watch her British Families Depower Colour Peoples Civilization Enrichment.

Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas Unveil her Scheme, The Commonwealth Regeneration Brigadier’ in her Mandate to relocate People of the Commonwealth Nations back to their African Continent, Asia and Caribbean for Nations Building, to recreate Heaven Towers Settlement in their Ancestral Land in preparation to purge them out of Europe working as Willing Slaves in a Conventional Deceit Diplomacy because of failures from their Government. She reveals that her White British and European Families do not know the Virtues and Values of Black People and Colored People. She pronounces predicted as an Oracle that in the Year 2035 the White Man will beg to see Colored People in their Land and Settlement.

Banks Conspiracy To Defraud Commonwealth Citizens

From time to time, Banks and Building Societies inform Customers of Account Closure and instruct them to make alternative Banking Arrangements. The Banks purport reasons they are unhарру with the wау Customers are using their Aссоunts or that rеlаtiоnѕhiр with the Customer hаѕ broken down irretrievably.  
 This is quite different from the closure of the Bank Accounts belonging to Cоmmоnwеаlth Citizens from Nations of Afriса, Asia and Caribbean whоѕе Bank Aссоuntѕ have bееn unlawfully closed and Monies seized. The United Kingdom Banks closure of Cоmmоnwеаlth Pеорlеѕ Accounts with no relevant rеаѕоn is a Criminal Offеnсе and their actions соntrаvеnеѕ Equality Act 2010 (C.15), Part 2 Chарtеr 1, Section 9 and Rасе Relations Act 1976.                                                                                                                               

The Commonwealth Victims whose Bank Aссоunts are ореnеd legitimately, if element of Identity is an incrimination, definitely it should not be Barrier to Warrant a Clоѕurе or Mоnеу ѕеizurе. Actions of the Banks ferociousness is evidential Commonwealth Citizens in disguise to ореrаtе Bank Aссоunts are motivated by Conservative Party Drасоniаn Laws denying Commonwealth Citizens individualism of self-Recognition as a result of the Ruling Government Anti-Semitism Policies, a mоnѕtrоѕitу to dеѕtrоу the Wеlfаrе and Well-being of Commonwealth Pеорlе.

The Bank are guilty of fеrосiоuѕ Criminal arrays of Offences under the Rulеѕ of Mоnеtаrу Equilibrium; if a Cоmmоnwеаlthiѕt (Pеrѕоnѕ’) (i) Livеѕ in the UK, (ii) Livеѕ in an Apartment (iii) Paying Landlord (iv) Pауing Council Tax (v) Came into the UK from the Prоtесtоrаtеѕ and Territories of Grеаt Britain, (vi) Criminаliѕеd bесаuѕе of Conservative Pаrtу Draconian Pоliсiеѕ (vii) Denied Hоmе Office Documents to sustain their requirement of Life to be Pеорlе without саuѕing Mayhem to the Sосiеtу; If the Bank ѕеizеѕ their Mоnеу on whatever rulеѕ, then the Banks have Pеrреtrаting Crimes of Injuѕtiсе. 
The Citizens from the Commonwealth Nations of Africa, Asia and Caribbean whose Money have been Seized by the Banks or Bank Accounts unlawfully closed; The closure of Commonwealth Peoples Accounts or Seizure of their Monies as a result of clumsy excuses is a Criminal Offence and contravenes Equality Act 2010, (C.15), Part 2, Chapter 1 Section 9 and the Race Relations 1976.

The Demigod profoundly called Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas adjudicate pursuit for Commonwealth Peoples Justice. She Staff her Authority as the Chairman of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP), UK, in her pronouncement she ascertained this New Demand is Justice for the People of Commonwealth both Home And abroad who are Victims. She accused the UK Banks decision nailed Commonwealth People in Coffins, intentionally to Depower their Civilization Enrichment in dictatorship from the embattled Conservative Party Monstrosity Bills enshrined as Law, purposely implemented to destroy the Welfare and Well-being of the People of Commonwealth in stringent circumstances to De-Value them as a People.

Party Bureaucracy To Segregate Person By Colour, Race And Language Is An Obscenity, Shame It Out – By Professor Alexia Thomas

The Banks are now under a Mandate to recall their record of Persons named in such circumstance and are under serious mandate to release their Money and reinstate the functioning of their Bank Accounts illegally closed.

The Banks are guilty of ferocious Criminal arrays of Offences under the Rules of Monetary Equilibrium; The British Banks for the past 25 years have enshrined their Institution in disguise of Legislative Policies denying Commonwealth Citizens Rights of Treaty as compelled by the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 rather respecting the European Convention Of Human Rights (ECHR) 1950, a 40 Years Bond revoked on the 24/06/2016; Shame on Injustice is Apology to Victims of Injustice the Victims of Legislative Policies of Hate Crime Bills.

The Commonwealth Writ Of Justice

The UK Banks must be very careful as ‘Politics a Turmoil of Men's Insanity to changing the Rules when the Policies prescribe not will result in Banks closure as the Inscription of Policies cannot relegate the Legislative Decree of Static, possibility the Banks could lose their License as Merchants if facts emerge they partook in the Injustice caused on the Citizens of Commonwealth through accepting the illogical Policies created by Politicians to segregate the Coloured Peoples’ Right.

The Banks are demanded to release Commonwealth Monies or risked being sued for Abuse Of Power Ambit Penalization or else the Banks will pay out serious Compensations, hence being regulated by Financial Institutions are not above the Law; If the UK Banks within 14 days fail to come to term with Reality and Resolution mandate that a Criminal like PM Theresa May who they admired had coerced them to betray the Commonwealth Peoples Money patronage of Security, rather Banks’ monstrosity to suppress them under the Rules of European Union over the Treaty of Britain and her Commonwealth, The Commonwealth Liberation Party(TCLP) will legalize a Pursuit for Commonwealth Citizens Compensation of Financial Concierge.

Injustice By British Banks

The United Kingdom Banks have been confraternised and intentionally participating in coercion of Hate Crimes. On the Contrary, If Commonwealth Citizens opened Bank Accounts, Officials Banks or their Management has no Legal Authority to seize their Monies as not even the Court can decree such Authority if Funds are not from proceed of Crimes.

All Commonwealth Nations Visitors who have Bank Accounts in the UK, had it opened legitimately, and if element of Identity is an incrimination, definitely it is not a barrier to warrant a closure or Money Seizure. Commonwealth Citizens disguised to operate Bank Accounts mainly for Salary purpose is motivated by Conservative Party Draconian Laws.

The Banks have been Perpetrating Crimes of Injustice and as such have portrayed the Greed and Evil in the Hate Crime Bills which was orchestrated by Prime Minister Theresa May and her Government Extortion and Massacreration of the UK Economy.

The Banks beckoning their actions on Commonwealth Citizens inability to prove their Identity when their Visas expire, protocoling their Accounts closure is an Act to alienate their Rights, injustice a derailment of Tyranny by Legalized Despotism.

The Banks as Institutions stole from the People of Commonwealth using Deceit Diplomacy of Legislative Warrants; The Ruling Government is in Political Wars and as Such cannot give Command and their Conservative Party is in turmoil and on the brink of collapse as they have championed Human destructions

The Conservative Party intentionally denied the People of Commonwealth Residence Permits in Sham Enshrined Immigration Legislations, then the Banks should find their Box of Shame and stand independent of Politics for Peoples Money and Political Policies will always be in contravention; The Peoples Money when not Fraud or from Proceeds of Crime is their just Rights and no Legislative Confraternity can deny them access to their Resources of Appraisal.

The Banks are necessitated by the Financial Regulations Policies because PM Theresa May could face Imprisonment for her unjust Protocols. The Conservative Party Ruling Government ordered the Banks and their Management’s monstrosity against illegal activities on Commonwealth Citizens Money seizure, at this junction the Banks illegality must be stopped.

The Commonwealth Writ of Justice is now enforced by The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) and the Banks must release aforesaid Monies frozen in coercion of Legislative Confraternity by Conservative Party to depower Coloured Peoples Civilization Enrichment.

The Commonwealth Liberation Party has commissioned the Protectorate Identity Commission (PIC) her Agency who has now Unveiled the British Commonwealth National Card for Commonwealth Citizens identification, so on this basis, the Banks are able to verify Persons’ Identity and in quicken resolution to release Commonwealth Peoples Monies without causing them hardship.

The Pоlitiсѕ as Pеорlе’ѕ Money and Pоlitiсаl Policies will аlwауѕ be in contravention. The People’s mоnеу when not acquired from Fraud or from proceeds of Crime is their just Rights and no Legislative Confraternity can dеnу them access to their Rеѕоurсеѕ of Aррrаiѕаl. 

Whеrе Juѕtiсе Is Denied, Where Poverty Is Enforced, Where Ignorance Prevails, And Where Any One Class Is Made To Fееl That Society Is An Organized Conspiracy To Оррrеѕѕ, Rob And Degrade Them, Neither Реrѕоnѕ Nor Рrореrtу Will Be Ѕаfе. – By Mr. Fredrick Dоuglаѕѕ.

PRESS RELEASE BY: Professor Alexia Thomas Chairman - 31st July 2016

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Professor Alexia Thomas False Accusation Of Fraud All A Lie, UK Immigration Mercenaries Covert Operations Busted, Do Not Be Brainwashed – Aluta Continua

“When The Greatest Abuse Is Oppressive Injustice And Oppressive Injustice Is Charted By Law, The Voice Of Justice Is Silence”- By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

A few Days Ago, we woke up to the News of Her Knowledgeable Alexia Thomas is wanted by Immigration Mercenaries. Professor Alexia Thomas was declared wanted as read on Media, release by the Staff of the UK Metropolitan Police to the News Media, Captioned -10 Most Wanted Alleged UK Con Artists.

Prof. Alexia Thomas is the Chairman and Leader of the Commonwealth Liberation Party which gives her Autonomous Powers to Care for the People of the Commonwealth who the Conservative Government has used contagious Legislative Law Brutality to Destroy their Future.

It is quite inappropriate and compromising behaviour of Police officers to bring down their Reputation by soiling their Dignity with such an Act.

The Metropolitan Police know about her Justice Pursuits but still Plotted the Allegation which was premeditated Decoy by Prime Minister Theresa May’s Puppets to use the Media to bring her down.


Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas is born on the 2nd of March 1973. She is a Philosopher, a Musician, a Humanitarian, a Politician, a Writer, a Curator, a Political Advocate, an Idealist, a Socialist, a Counsellor, a Teacher, a Human Rights Advocate, a Legal Practitioner, an Activist, a Realist, a Bureaucrat and a Law Reformist. She is An Oracle, Defender Of the Universe, Mother of World Peace, Messenger Of Truth, Angel Of Hope and Goddess Of Love.


Unfortunately, the topic of Fraud is so touchy that many are unwilling to do anything about a false claim. Some Prosecutors side with the False-Accuser even after the evidence clearly reveals that the Claim is False, believing it could be an Honest mistake, a difference of opinion regarding Consent, or a Cry for help from someone suffering in other ways at the hands of the one they wrongfully accused. Moreover, Prosecutors and Law Enforcement do not want actual fraud Victims to fear possible Criminal Sanctions for reporting Legitimate Frauds if it later becomes impossible to prove the Case. As a result, very few false claims are ever prosecuted criminally.

Still, the consequences of a false report of fraud can be devastating to the life of the one accused. Often, the mere suggestion that a person has done something is enough to convict them in the Court of Public Opinion. With websites that feature arrest Mug Shots and identify charges, there is no way for a wrongfully accused Person to protect their reputation. This can have life changing effects, lead Public Ridicule, and Emotional Harm.

The Chairman and Leader of The Commonwealth Liberation Party, Professor Alexia Thomas was falsely accused of fraud by the Metropolitan Police on the 19th July 2016.  Prof. Thomas name was released by Staff of the Metropolitan Police to the News Media as Caption 10 most wanted alleged UK Con Artists. Professor Alexia Thomas within 5 hours of announcement wrote to the Office of the Police Commissioner and copy available on the Social Media. She said it saddens her that such inappropriate behavior of the Metropolitan Staff has brought shame to the Police Institution and disruption to their Integrity.

The Metropolitan Police cannot deny they are not aware of her Justice Pursuit, but because all Police Officer suffers from Race inferiority. It is obvious that the Police Allegation of fraud against her was decoyed by Prime Minister Theresa May’s Puppet who exploited and falsely used the British Media to bring her down by vandalizing her Reputation because the Photograph shown on the News Media is over 10 years. She disgraced the Metropolitan Police for pronouncing her Wanted, they should Hide their Faces in the Mud.


We know the Monarchy as an institution and Reawakening enforcement of the Law of Magna Carta, on 12thJuly 2016, The Commonwealth Liberation Party moved a Vote of No Confidence against British Prime Minister Mrs. Theresa May’s appointment on reasons that her Conservative Party Leadership  appointment was by Rogue Politics and as a fight back, the Conservative Party through leader PM Theresa May sent Immigration Mercenaries with false Immigration Case to ruin Professor Alexia Thomas’s Reputation.

The quickest Political shock ran through our Vein on how a traitor like Theresa May will be allowed to run the position of a Prime Minister of Britain. Her circulated video of threatening Police Officers if they fail to work, she will work them down using Legislative Confraternity is still fresh in our Mind.

Professor Alexia Thomas declared that PM Theresa May’s Government must collapse for the People of United Kingdom not to be destroyed in the 3rd World War against Russia and equally her Shank Advisers will be Debugged and shamed out of 10 Downing Street. 


The Demagogue Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas Pronounced that PM Theresa May as a Woman cannot stop her Fight to Liberate the Commonwealth Nations and as the Leader of The Commonwealth Liberation Party and the Chieftain of Commonwealth Treaty alliance Commission, she is a Supremist and more Educated than PM Theresa May whose appointment to Office is by Rogue Politics.

Professor Alexia Thomas only reason she renounced her Nigerian Nationality for British Citizenship is to have Equal Authority to recouped the Justice desired for the People of Commonwealth Free Border Entry to the UK. She defined Nationality as simply - ‘Stigmatisation of Limitation’ - so it will be Prohibited in 21st Century Politics. She said it is time the ruling Conservative Government stay off her Boundaries, though they will collapse very soon and demand immediate Recognition because stopping her is an impossibility because she is a Living Oracle, therefore Agencies of Government must recognise the existence of her Political Party who United Kingdom Electoral Commission registered as a Political Party, putting her on an Equilibrium Podium with Leaders of Conservative and Labour Party.

She asserts Conservative Ruling Government are Political Gangsters which is the reason they are in violation of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 Treaty enforcing the acceptance of European Convention Of Human Rights (ECHR) 1950, cloned from the UDHR 1948.
Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas has Nationalised as a British Citizen on the 12th January 2015, with Sovereign Powers, recognition accorded unto her by the UK Magistrates Court allowing her dominance as British Sovereign so the Home Office cannot take her on a Combat. 


Moreover, In January 2006, she supplied the Photograph of herself, ex-husband and Children to the Home Office in 40 Lunar House when she claimed Asylum in pretence to understand the hidden Operations in the United Kingdom Border Agency.

She withdrew the Asylum Application in 2006, having realised Home Office were operating a Scam in which Commonwealth Citizens Monies are taken in the range of £500 to £3500 

The Immigration Mercenaries in Becket House, London Bridge stole her file from Home Office Armadas building with her Photographs which they said will be kept in the Home Office archive under the Data Protection Act 1998, and their possession of her 2006 Photograph splash in the Media calling her Fraud is to maliciously brainwashed all Police Officers in the United Kingdom who buys into the Covert Operations that she is illegally Resident in the UK and a Nigerian.

In 2010, Mrs. Theresa May sent Immigration Mercenaries headed by Chief Immigration Officer Mr. Alex Jay and his junior Mr. Douglas Chadwick in a Convert Operation acting as Immigration Bounty Hunters to terrorise Prof. Alexia Thomas.

She was assaulted by Douglas Chadwick in 2008, and this incident was recorded by Greenwich Metropolitan Police with Crime Reference. Immigration Mercenaries in deceit to have her falsely arrested and charges to be indicted on her, shop around from Police Officers to Police Officers using Lewisham Police, Plumstead Police, Catford Police, Greenwich Police and Bexley Police but she was untouchable, because her Knowledge Educate Police Officers the Mythology they Lack.

It is not understood why a 2006 Photograph is been splash on British Media when the Mercenaries are in possession of her 2015 Photograph which was sent to the Home Office Data Entry Department to update their System of her current status as British. The Immigration Mercenaries are in conspiracy with the Metropolitan Police Officers who know her identity but choose to deceive Members of the Public which implies their motives are not genuine.

PM Theresa May’s Government is in connivance with Angela Merkel’s German Government to have Commonwealth Citizens taken out maliciously from the United Kingdom under various malicious schemes of covert operations.

However, given the nature of laws protecting victims, it will be a very difficult and highly technical legal battle to show that the Metropolitan Police did not simply lack sufficient evidence to obtain a conviction, but actually engaged in malicious conduct designed to harm the reputation of Professor Alexia Thomas.

Professor Alexia Thomas is someone of Value and Integrity, so she deserves an Apology directly from the Office of The Commissioner of Police for the inappropriate behavior of the Metropolitan Officers and all Officers involve in the Heist on Prof. Thomas deserves to be sacked without any compromise because they are  biased about their investigation.

“How Can We Lead In Blindness And Deafness When Power A Failure Of Indecency Will Not Allow You To Use Your Common Sense”– By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas.

Professor Alexia Thomas is the Chairman and Leader of The Commonwealth Liberation Party and only Subject to the Police Authority if she is faulted to Abuse Legislation, but because she equally is a Law Reformist by Profession, then it is against her Ordinance and forbidden to abuse her Office as the Leader of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) which she submitted to serve the People and Citizens of Great Britain in Sincerity and Truth.

She is serving the People of United Kingdom through her Amass Wealth of Knowledge she possessed as the Greatest Philosopher of the 21stCentury to bring the Civilised Mind to Reality. Her Acumen is available on her Personal Official Website 

Members of the Public, Fans, Followers, and Crusaders of Truth are invited to READ MORE THAN 1000 QUOTES FROM THE GREATEST PHILOSOPHER OF THE 21ST CENTURY Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas at

Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas has since on the 19th July 2016, demanded an Apology from the Office of the UK Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe requesting it be personally signed by him, because his Officers have errored the investigation and they equally must Apologise to her through the Media. She confirmed her Government will not entertain the Insanity of British Police recklessness in a System where Injustice is Chartered as a Law.

Professor Alexia Thomas sent a strong warning to PM Theresa May ultimatum to release every Commonwealth Detainee within the next 21 days from Europe Cells to their Colonial Land of Great Britain where they first seek Refugee Status.


Professor Thomas known as the Messenger of Truth, declared that ‘The Government of PM Theresa May is in connivance with Angela Merkel’s the German Chancellor  to have Commonwealth Citizen maliciously taken out of the United Kingdom under various malicious Schemes of Convert Operations

Professor Thomas quest for Justice is to bring Immigration Mercenaries to book for killings of Commonwealth Citizens buried in Secret Graves as confirmed by them in a letter to Prof. Thomas 2008 available on her Party Server . She asserts Justice for her Commonwealth People is demandable, so PM Theresa May’s Covert Operation will be uneffective as she will come against any Police Officer as a Party Leader.

She confirmed Theresa May’s Conservative Party agreed with the German Government to lock up Commonwealth Citizens in Immigration Camps in London, Scotland, Wales and Ireland inclusive with moving them to Europe out of Britain’s shores like Animals in various Schemes of Covert Operations, She rebuked their actions as Shame! Shame!! Shame!!!                                                                                                
Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas opens her Political Party Mandate - The Commonwealth Liberation Party champion Resolution to Demolition Detention Centres and Closures of Immigration Concentration Camps all over the United Kingdom and demand Conservative Ruling Government to return People of Commonwealth locked-up like Animals in Europe Immigration Concentration Camps back to United Kingdom their Colonial Ancestral Land.  

She told the Police Commissioner his Officers to get serious Education by overhauling their whole Institutions because her Only One Duty is to put an end to Theresa May’s Prime Ministership Appointment she attained by Rogue Politics.                                                                                                                    
Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas profoundly known for her Prorogation Of Justice, she told the Police Commissioner to hear her in the Loudness of her Voice – Her Quote - “I Will Stand, I Will Win, I Will Defeat Theresa May And Not In My Living Will Mrs. Theresa May Be Allowed To Destroy United Kingdom Greatness.